Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Just Don't Understand...

There's a reason I don't read or watch the news very often.  Too many times the news either scares the beejebus out of me, causing anxiety attacks (slight exaggeration), or it makes me so sad, I can't even stand it.  I saw this link in my news section on my igoogle page this morning, and against my better judgement I read it. I ended up hardcore bawling for about 15 minutes over it.  Then hugging my youngest child, (the oldest was at school) for another 15 minutes, still sniffling.  This is the article here.

Kids are very stressing, and when you add being a single parent, lack of sleep and more to the mix, I can see how anger can get the best of you.  I've lashed out at my kids, given them a spank that maybe was unnecessary, or plopped them into their bed for a time out maybe a little too roughly, but I can never in a million years imagine doing what this parent did and take the lives of my children.   The worst part about it is the excuse for the death of the second child, a child who shares the same name as my oldest daughter.  To decide to just take her life, too, to make the cover story for the murder of the first child more plausible, is beyond me.

It's things like this that make me believe there is no karma, no higher power, no balance in the world.   These innocent children did nothing but be children, and they died for it. Sure, Dad got busted and is going to jail; he might even find death himself at the hands of another inmate, but I still don't think it balances out in comparison of what those children went through and what was stolen from them.  I know it's sick, but I can't help but envision what it was like for them - I can see it in my head, much as I wish I couldn't.  That's what sets me off crying every time.  It's things like this that make the idea of having to be approved to have children seem like a fantastic idea.  Yes, I know its a whole slippery slope, but how many innocent lives could be spared if people like this were not allowed to procreate?  Course, who's to say that anyone could ever make a test that would show a result like this is possible. This parent got custody of these children, so a court obviously thought he was a fit parent.

Anyway, I'm sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I needed to vent.  Needed to try and release this vision from my mind, though I'm not sure it will for quite awhile.


HAWKlNS1 said...

Amber I had read that article and there is no excuse why someone would do such a horrible thing. The thing is when someone drowns they don't die right away. These children could when to a better home. God will see that justice is done. I get stressed out a lot but no way would I take it on someone else. Thank you for sharing Love, Linda

HAWKlNS1 said...

Have great and wonderful day
Your friend always, Linda